Personal Inflation Calculator

With the personal inflation calculator you can calculate an inflation rate for your personal expenditure pattern and compare it with the national inflation rate.

The Personal Inflation Calculator may be used for informational purposes only. The personal inflation rate is not an official indicator published by STATISTICS AUSTRIA and cannot be used for any contractual indexation (see Wertsicherungsrechner).

Time period:


Official inflation rate from 12/2023 to 12/2024

Personal inflation rate from 12/2023 to 12/2024



Expenditure groups

All fade-in/out

Main group /
Sub group
Rate of change
(selected period)
Average monthly
expenditure of
an household
expenses in €

Food and non-alcoholic beverages 1,6 % € 338
Food 1,0 % € 301
Non-alcoholic beverages 6,9 % € 37
Alcoholic beverages and tobacco 1,9 % € 97
Alcoholic beverages 0,0 % € 44
Tobacco 3,6 % € 53
Catering services 6,3 % € 335
Restaurants, Cafés, Bars, Fast Food 6,3 % € 316
Canteens 5,8 % € 19
Clothing and Shoes -2,0 % € 127
Clothing -2,4 % € 100
Shoes -0,4 % € 27
Housing and energy 0,2 % € 591
Energy -10,9 % € 146
Rent 3,8 % € 266
Maintenance and repair of the dwelling 4,0 % € 179
Furnishings and routine maintenance 0,2 % € 211
Furniture and carpets 0,1 % € 100
Household appliances and major tools -1,0 % € 51
Household utensils, glassware and small tools -0,7 % € 33
Domestic Services 7,9 % € 6
Plants 2,3 % € 21
Health, social services and education 4,4 % € 206
Health (excl. insurance) 4,4 % € 156
Social services 3,0 % € 22
Kindergarten, school, courses, university 5,0 % € 28
Transport 0,4 % € 285
Public transport, railway and taxi 1,8 % € 44
Fuel -2,7 % € 130
Maintenance and repair of motor vehicle 3,6 % € 111
Communication -5,1 % € 51
Recreation and culture 1,0 % € 251
Computer-, Audio-, Videodevices, Camera -1,1 % € 29
Recreational, sport and cultural services -0,5 % € 92
Gambling 7,3 % € 22
Pets 2,5 % € 25
Books 0,1 % € 7
Newspapers and magazines 6,8 % € 20
Stationery 2,8 % € 7
Games, hobby and sport equipment, outdoor and similar -0,9 % € 49
Travel 6,3 % € 130
Flights 13,5 % € 17
Holiday packages 4,9 % € 63
Accomodation services 5,7 % € 50
Personal Care, Beauty Salons, Cosmetics 3,6 % € 68
Personal effects and other services 6,1 % € 43
Jewelry and personal effects 6,1 % € 22
Other services 6,1 % € 21
Insurance 5,2 % € 117
Insurance connected with the dwelling 5,9 % € 27
Insurance connected with health 6,0 % € 45
Insurance connected with transport 4,2 % € 40
Other insurance 2,1 % € 5
Other expenditure 2,0 % € 0
Motor vehicle Rate of change
(selected period)
Average purchase price Purchase price
(Total expenditure)
Useful life
(in years)
Purchase of Motor vehicle 1,7 % € 112
Car 1,7 % € 102
Motorcycle 1,1 % € 10
Total expenditure     Monthly Annual
Monthly and annually total expenditure    

Rate of change

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