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National tourism satellite accounts

Tourism expenditures
30.82 bn euro
Direct contribution to GDP
Direct contribution to total employment

The tourism industry comprises a large number of goods (i.e. products and services) and thus covers all areas of production in the national accounts. The most important goods are accommodation, catering, passenger transport, travel agencies, tour operators and sports, recreational and cultural services. The demand for these goods from overnight and day-trip tourists thus trigger additional production and subsequently value-added and employment effects in the economic sectors concerned.

In order to be able to capture these effects in their entirety, a Tourism Satellite Account (TSA) for Austria was developed on the basis of international guidelines, which has been compiled annually since 2002. Since it is an overall accounting system, numerous relevant internal and external data sources are brought together.

S: STATISTICS AUSTRIA, Tourism Satellite Accounts for Austria, WIFO (Austrian Institute of Economic Research). Compiled on 21 June 2024. – Calculations based on WIFO input-output model (ASCANIO). – A benchmark revision is planned for the fourth quarter of 2024.

S: STATISTICS AUSTRIA, Tourism Satellite Accounts for Austria, WIFO (Austrian Institiute of Economic Research). Compiled on 21 June 2024. – In the fourth quarter of 2024, a methodological revision of the time series is planned.

Date Title PDF download
2024-06-21 file Tourism value-added higher in 2022, but still below pre-crisis level
105.8 KB
2023-06-23 file Tourism share of GDP decreased again in 2021
89.9 KB
2022-06-23 file Contribution of tourism to GDP decreased in 2020
91.9 KB

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2025-06-24 calendar-alt Tourism Satellite Accounts for Austria 2023
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Last updated on 2024-06-21.