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R&D data for all sectors

Expenditures on R&D 2021
in all sectors
13.23 bn. EUR
Increased compared to 2019
R&D Personnel 2021
in all sectors
87 458.7 FTE
Increased compared to 2019

Research and experimental development (R&D) comprises creative and systematic work undertaken in order to increase the stock of knowledge – including knowledge of humankind, culture and society – and to devise new applications of available knowledge. This section includes the main results of the R&D surveys in all sectors (business enterprise sector, higher education sector, government sector and private non-profit sector).

Data on R&D expenditures and R&D personnel in all economic sectors is collected for odd calendar years in all kinds of classifications.

The methodological basis is the OECD’s Frascati Manual.  

S: STATISTICS AUSTRIA, Survey on Research and experimental Development (R&D) 2021. Compiled on 18 July 2023. - Higher education sector: Universities including clinics, universities of the arts, universities of applied sciences, private universities, University for Continuing Education Krems, university colleges of teacher education and other institutions of the higher education sector. - Government sector: Central, regional and local institutions (except those of the higher education sector), chambers, R&D facilities of the units belonging to the social security system, private non-profit institutions controlled and/or mainly financed by government as well as R&D institutions of the Ludwig Boltzmann society; including Austrian academy of sciences and AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH; without provincial hospitals. Provincial hospitals were not surveyed by questionnaire. - Rounding differences occur.

S: STATISTICS AUSTRIA, Survey on Research and experimental Development (R&D). Compiled on 13 January 2025. Regional allocation according to the R&D location(s) of the R&D performing unit. Concept ESA 2010, consistent with National Accounts dated September 2024.

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Research and experimental development (R&D) comprise creative and systematic work undertaken in…

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