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Child and youth welfare

Support for education - supervised minors
43 731
Gone up 1.8 % compared to 2022
Full education - supervised minors
13 073
Gone up 1.4 % compared to 2022
Expenses for child and youth welfare
906.9 Mio. Euro
Gone up 13.5 % compared to 2022

The central objective and task of child and youth welfare is to ensure the well-being of children and young people. The child and youth welfare statistics are based on the annual tabular reports from the federal provinces. The primary basis for the annual collection and publication of statistical data on child and youth welfare is the Federal Child and Youth Welfare Act 2013 (Bundes-Kinder- und Jugendhilfegesetz 2013). The statistical mandate of the federal law (Art. 15) refers to the following areas of activity and performance of child and youth welfare: social services, support for education, full education, risk assessments, help for young adults, domestic and cross-border adoptions and legal representation; it is stipulated that the numerical utilisation of these services (partly as the number of recipients, broken down by age and gender, partly as the number of services) and the financial outlay on public child and youth welfare (expenditure and income) are to be recorded.

S: STATISTICS AUSTRIA, Child and youth welfare statistics. Compiled on 12 August 2024.

S: STATISTICS AUSTRIA, Child and youth welfare statistics. Compiled on 12 August 2024.

S: STATISTICS AUSTRIA, Child and youth welfare statistics. Compiled on 12 August 2024.

S: STATISTICS AUSTRIA, Child and youth welfare statistics. Compiled on 12 August 2024.

S: STATISTICS AUSTRIA, Child and youth welfare statistics. Compiled on 12 August 2024.

Date Title PDF download
2024-08-12 file Child and youth welfare 2023: More minors supported
204.4 KB
2023-07-28 file More minors supported by child and youth welfare in 2022
198.1 KB
2022-07-28 file More minors supported by child and youth welfare in 2021
194.6 KB

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Preview image for 'Child and youth welfare statistics' Child and youth welfare statistics

The child and youth welfare statistics (KJH statistics) compiled by Statistics Austria replaced the…


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