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Population by citizenship/country of birth

Foreign citizens in Austria
1 January 2024
1 800 866
Gone up +71 046 vs. 1 January 2023
Share of foreign citizens in Austria
1 January 2024
19,7 %
Gone up +0,7 Percentage points vs. 1 January 2023
Share of foreign-born population in Austria
1 January 2024
22,3 %
Gone up +0,6 Percentage points vs. 1 January 2023

Since 2002, statistics on the population structure by citizenship and country of birth have been based on the data of the Central Residence Register, although other administrative data sources are also used for quality assurance purposes within the framework of the Register-based Census and the Register-based Labour Market Statistics. Those persons are counted who are continuously registered with a main residence in Austria for more than 90 days around the reference date. Before 2002, population data was collected within the framework of censuses. For the inter-censal period annual estimates were calculated for the population. These results are only available for domestic and foreign citizens and not for individual nationalities.

The country of birth corresponds to the state or territory in which the place of birth is located in today's borders, regardless of the country in which the place of birth was located at the time of birth of the person in question.

S: STATISTICS AUSTRIA, Population statistics. Compiled on 28 May 2024.

Date Title PDF download
2023-07-17 file Census 2021: Austria is growing due to immigration and ageing
617.3 KB
2023-04-28 file Population census 2021: 8 969 068 inhabitants
308.2 KB

Date Title result SDDS+ Special Data Dissemination Standards PR PR press release
2025-06-16 calendar-alt Register-based labour market statistics 2023
Labour market / Activity status

Labour market / Unemployment / Unemployed, seeking work /

Labour market / Working time / Part-time work, part-time rate / Unemployed, seeking work / Unemployment / Labour market /

Labour market / Activity status / Labour market / Unemployment / Unemployed, seeking work / Part-time work, part-time rate / Working time / Labour market /

Labour market / Employment / Commuters (place of work) / Labour market / Working time / Part-time work, part-time rate / Unemployed, seeking work / Unemployment / Labour market / Activity status / Labour market /

2025-05-26 calendar-alt Population stock 1.1.2025
Population and society / Population / Population stock / Population at beginning of year/quarter
final PR

Population and society /

Population and society / Population / Population and society /

Population and society / Population / Population stock / Population and society / Population / Population and society /

Population and society / Population / Population stock / Population at beginning of year/quarter / Population and society / Population / Population and society / Population stock / Population / Population and society /

2025-05-26 calendar-alt Population structure 2022 and 1.1.2025
Population and society / Population / Population stock / Population by age /sex
final PR

Population and society /

Population and society / Population / Population and society /

Population and society / Population / Population stock / Population and society / Population / Population and society /

Population and society / Population / Population stock / Population by age /sex / Population and society / Population / Population and society / Population stock / Population / Population and society /

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