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Historic censuses

First Census
Population (31 December 1869)
4 497 880
Last traditional Census
Population (15 May 2001)
8 032 926
Latest register-based Census
Population (31 October 2021)
8 969 068

The results of the population census, which is conducted every ten years, present a numerical picture of the structure of the population, households and families in Austria. Since these statistics are compiled not only for the entire federal territory but also for municipalities and even smaller areas, they form the basis for public administration measures, economic decisions and scientific work.

The last traditional census in Austria was held in 2001. In 2011, the first register-based census was conducted, which replaces and continues traditional censuses. In the years between censuses, the Register-based Labour Market Statistics are compiled. Together, they have formed a continuous time series since 2009, and the results can be found on the topic pages. Both the Register-based Census and the Register-based Labour Market Statistics use administrative registers instead of collecting data via paper questionnaires.

S: STATISTICS AUSTRIA, Census 1869 - 2001, Register-based Census 2011 and 2021. Compiled on 28 April 2023. Population 2001 according to the announcement of 17 September 2002 and thus the statistical result of the 2001 census. For data privacy protection reasons, the statistical disclosure control method of "Record Swapping" has been used on a part of the data. For analyses based on very small cell values, no reliable assertions can be made.

S: STATISTICS AUSTRIA, Census 1869–2001, Register-based Census 2011 and 2021. Compiled on 28 April 2023. Population 2001 according to the announcement of 17 September 2002 and thus the statistical result of the 2001 census. For data privacy protection reasons, the statistical disclosure control method of "Record Swapping" has been used on a part of the data. For analyses based on very small cell values, no reliable assertions can be made.

Date Title PDF download
2023-07-17 file Census 2021: Austria is growing due to immigration and ageing
617.3 KB
2023-04-28 file Population census 2021: 8 969 068 inhabitants
308.2 KB

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