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Family types

2 509 700
Couples with children
1 114 500
Lone parent families
302 200

Families are couples with or without children and single parents with children. Children, regardless of their age, are all biological, step- and adopted children living in the same household with both their parents or a single parent and without their own partner or their own children. Thus, parents with adult children also count as a family. Children who have moved out of the parental home are not taken into account. Each family represents a separate unit of analysis, regardless of whether it inhabits a household with other persons or families.

The results refer to the population in private households and come from the Microcensus Labour Force Survey (sample survey) and the Register-based Census / Register-based Labour Market Statistics (administrative data). The publication of the Microcensus Labour Force Survey refers to the previous year, that of the Register-based Census / Register-based Labour Market Statistics to the year before that.

S: STATISTICS AUSTRIA, until 2003 Microcensus, average of the surveys conducted in March, June, September and December. From 2004 Microcensus Labour Force Survey (average of all weeks of a year). Created on 19 March 2024. – The definition of family used here corresponds to the nuclear family concept (partner, child, mother or father in single-parent families). According to this concept, a 'family' only includes persons living in the same household.

Date Title PDF download
2023-07-17 file Census 2021: Austria is growing due to immigration and ageing
617.3 KB
2023-03-17 file Increase in multi-person households in 2022
116.4 KB

Date Title result SDDS+ Special Data Dissemination Standards PR PR press release
2025-06-16 calendar-alt Register-based labour market statistics 2023
Labour market / Activity status

Labour market / Unemployment / Unemployed, seeking work /

Labour market / Working time / Part-time work, part-time rate / Unemployed, seeking work / Unemployment / Labour market /

Labour market / Activity status / Labour market / Unemployment / Unemployed, seeking work / Part-time work, part-time rate / Working time / Labour market /

Labour market / Employment / Commuters (place of work) / Labour market / Working time / Part-time work, part-time rate / Unemployed, seeking work / Unemployment / Labour market / Activity status / Labour market /

2025-03-17 calendar-alt Households, Families, Living Arrangements 2024
Population and society / Population / Families, households, living arrangements / Family types
final PR

Population and society / Population / Families, households, living arrangements / Family types /

Population and society / Population / Families, households, living arrangements / Legal marital status / Family types / Families, households, living arrangements / Population / Population and society /

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