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Demographic cohort indicators

Completed cohort fertility
Year of birth 1973
Decreased -0.11 compared to year of birth 1955
Average fertility age
Year of birth 1973
28.72 years
Increased +2.8 years compared to year of birth 1955

Demographic indicators are internationally recognized and commonly used key figures for describing population structure and population movement. Formal demography, which relates population levels and movements deterministically, provides a generally accepted mathematical basis for calculating demographic indicators. These include measures of population structure, fertility and mortality, marriage and divorce patterns, and migration and naturalization. These commonly used indicators include the total fertility rate, life expectancy, first marriage rate and total divorce rate, migration and naturalization rates, and measures of population structure such as the proportion of the 65+ generation. A special form of indicators are the demographic tables, the best known of which are the mortality tables.

S: STATISTICS AUSTRIA, Demographic Indicators. Compiled on 26 September 2024.

Cohort indicators Austria (as of 2023)

Date Title result SDDS+ Special Data Dissemination Standards PR PR press release
2025-09-15 calendar-alt Demographic Indicators 2024
Population and society / Population / Demographic indicators and tables / Life tables
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