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Social impact of crisis

Perceived Increase of Household Income
3rd quarter 2024
Decreased - 2.2%-points to previous quarter
Perceived Decrease of Household Income
3rd quarter 2024
Unchanged - 0.8%-points to previous quarter
Expected housing arrears
3rd quarter 2024
Unchanged + 0.1%-points to previous quarter

Since the end of 2021, quarterly data on income changes and subjective perceptions of financial situation and personal well-being are being collected in order to monitor crisis impacts in a timely manner. The main EU-indicators are the share of 18-74 year-olds whose household income has changed in the last twelve months according to their own assessment, as well as the share of the population that has difficulties making ends meet with their current income. With additional indicators such as consumption restrictions (deprivation), housing cost burden, payment difficulties, etc., effects of the Corona crisis (or the currently very high inflation) on the quality of life of different population groups can be observed.

Between 2021 and 2023 Austria carried out the project with ten other EU countries and was financially supported by Eurostat and the Ministry of Social Affairs. From 2024, "How we are today" is fully funded by the Ministry of Social Affairs.

Website for respondents: here

The indicators on the risk of poverty or social exclusion calculated according to the EU's Europe 2030-Strategy are based on EU-SILC and can be found on the page on Poverty.

Q: STATISTICS AUSTRIA, Survey of the social consequences of the crisis ("SILCexpress: How we are today"). Data version 19.11.2024. Created on 18.12.2024.

Q: STATISTICS AUSTRIA, Survey of the social consequences of the crisis ("SILCexpress: How we are today"). Question: „How difficult or easy are you managing to meet your household’s current expenses with your household income?“ Data version 19.11.2024. Created on 18.12.2024.

Q: STATISTICS AUSTRIA, Survey of the social consequences of the crisis ("SILCexpress: How we are today"). Question: „If you look at the last twelve months: Has the net household income ...?“ Data version 19.11.2024. Created on 18.12.2024.

Q: STATISTICS AUSTRIA, Survey of the social consequences of the crisis ("SILCexpress: How we are today"). Question: „When you think about the next twelve months: Will the household income...?“ Data version 19.11.2024. Created on 18.12.2024.

Date Title PDF download
2024-12-18 file Financial burden for multi-child families has decreased
140.5 KB
2024-10-23 file Financial burden on single mothers has increased since the end of 2021
66.6 KB
2024-10-09 file Increases in household income in Q2 2024 more frequent than a year ago
155.0 KB
2024-06-27 file High burden of housing, energy and food prices despite income growth
134.7 KB
2024-03-26 file Perceived income losses in the fourth quarter of 2023 lower than in the previous year
130.0 KB
2023-12-20 file Housing costs remain a high burden for one fifth
152.2 KB
2023-10-03 file Less perceived income losses in Q2/2023 than in previous year
160.2 KB
2023-06-29 file Perceived and expected income losses in first quarter of 2023 lower than in previous quarter
128.7 KB
2023-05-04 file Income gains and losses increase year over year in the fourth quarter of 2022
134.5 KB
2023-01-20 file More than half of the population plan to spend less on major purchases in the future
140.8 KB
2022-10-12 file More than one third of the population lost some income in the past twelve months
124.2 KB
2022-07-05 file High income dynamics in the 1st quarter 2022
190.0 KB

Date Title result SDDS+ Special Data Dissemination Standards PR PR press release
2025-12-17 calendar-alt Social impact of crisis 3rd Quarter 2025
Population and society / Income and living conditions / Social impact of crisis
final PR
2025-10-08 calendar-alt Social impact of crisis 2nd Quarter 2025
Population and society / Income and living conditions / Social impact of crisis
final PR
2025-06-24 calendar-alt Social impact of crisis 1st Quarter 2025
Population and society / Income and living conditions / Social impact of crisis
provisional PR
2025-03-26 calendar-alt Social impact of crisis 4th Quarter 2024
Population and society / Income and living conditions / Social impact of crisis
final PR
All releases

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Last updated on 2024-12-18.