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EUROGRADUATE Survey of higher education graduates

Bachelor's, Master's or Diploma graduates who have received additional financial support besides family allowance.
Graduation year of 2020/21
Increased +0.6% compared to graduation year of 2016/17
Master's or diploma graduates who consider the degree programme to be a (very) good basis for their professional career.
Graduation year of 2020/21
Decreased -0.7% compared to graduation year of 2016/17

The EUROGRADUATE 2022 project collects information on educational pathways and employment careers of graduates of higher education institutions who obtained their degree in Austria. The graduates of public universities, universities of applied sciences, colleges of education, and private universities were surveyed. The analysis focuses on the comparison of 19 fields of study and two graduation cohorts (2016/17 and 2020/21). Information on graduations and the entry of graduates into the labour market is also available in the registers of Statistics Austria.

The study is initated by the European Commission and carried out in 17 European countries. Statistics Austria has been commissioned by the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research to collect and report on the data.

S: STATISTICS AUSTRIA, EUROGRADUATE 2022. Compiled on 3 July 2024. – Persons with a Bachelor's, Master's or diploma degree in the academic years 2016/17 or 2020/21 whose highest educational qualification is a Master's or diploma degree (regardless of the year of graduation). If several degrees were obtained at Master's or diploma level, the field of education refers to the last Master's or diploma degree. Only employed persons who are no longer in education. – Question wording: "Would you say that your job corresponds to your degree? - With regard to professional qualification (field of study)": Answer categories were summarised. Yes (completely): 1 - 2; Medium: 3; No (not at all): 4, 5. – More than 100 cases in the marginal distribution in all categories.

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Last updated on 2024-07-10.