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Healthy life expectancy

Healthy Life Expectancy in years for females
64.7 years
Healthy Life Expectancy in years for males
63.1 years

Healthy life expectancy is an estimate of how many years a person will still spend in good health at a certain age. The concept of healthy life expectancy thus expands on that of life expectancy by simultaneously assessing the development of mortality, morbidity and impairment. It thus estimates the probability that the gain in life years will be accompanied by a longer life in good or poor health.

Information on life expectancy comes from the life tables that are calculated annually; information on the health status of the population is obtained through surveys (Austrian Health Interview Survey and SILC). Three concepts are used: subjective health status, prevalence of chronic diseases and functional impairments. For subjective health status, a time series is available from 1978 onwards; for the other two concepts, annual values have been available since 2003.

S: STATISTICS AUSTRIA, Life Tables as well as Microcensus special programs "Question on Health" 1978, 1983, 1991, 1999 and Health Interview Surveys 2006/07, 2014 and 2019. Compiled on 14 October 2020. – Question used in 1978-1999: "How do you perceive your health in general?" Question used in 2006-2019: "How is your health in general?". Answer categories for all surveys: "Very good - Good - Medium - Bad - Very bad". Since there is no data available for the population aged below 15 years, it is assumed that this age group has a (very) good self-perceived health.

S: STATISTICS AUSTRIA, Life Tables as well as Microcensus special programs "Question on Health" 1978, 1983, 1991, 1999 and Health Interview Surveys 2006/07, 2014 and 2019. Compiled on 14 October 2020. – Question used in 1978-1999: "How do you perceive your health in general?" Question used in 2006-2019: "How is your health in general?". Answer categories for all surveys: "Very good - Good - Medium - Bad - Very bad". Since there is no data available for the population aged below 15 years, it is assumed that this age group has a (very) good self-perceived health.

S: STATISTICS AUSTRIA, Life Table 2018 as well as Health Interview Survey 2019. Compiled on 11 June 2021.

S: STATISTICS AUSTRIA, Life Table 2018 as well as Health Interview Survey 2019. Compiled on 11 June 2021.

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Last updated on 2022-10-03.