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Inpatient health care: medical procedures

Medical procedures
4 224 090
Sunk -0.8% compared to 2021
1 172 910
Gone up +1.0% compared to 2021

The hospital discharge statistics contain stay-related, patient-related and medical reporting data on inpatient hospital stays, including information on the medical procedures performed as inpatient (surgical interventions as well as non-surgical treatments and examinations).

On the basis of the Federal Act on Documentation in the Health Care Sector, medical procedures have been recorded in hospitals since 1997; they are coded on the basis of the DRG service catalogue (“procedure-oriented hospital financing“ on the basis of diagnosis-related groups), which was converted to a new coding system in 2009. The single micro-data records of the statistics refer to single service codes and also contain patient- and hospital-related information.

S: STATISTICS AUSTRIA, Statistics of Hospital Discharges; Federal Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection, Reports on Diagnoses and Services. Compiled on 30 September 2023. – Number of medical services provided during inpatient hospital stays (reference to discharges during the year, including deaths). – The coding and grouping of medical services is carried out in accordance with the DRG system of procedure-oriented hospital financing on the basis of diagnosis-related groups (DRG).

S: STATISTICS AUSTRIA, Statistics of Hospital Discharges; Federal Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection, Reports on Diagnoses and Services. Compiled on 30 September 2023. – Number of medical services provided during inpatient hospital stays (reference to discharges during the year, including deaths). – The coding and grouping of medical services is carried out in accordance with the DRG system of procedure-oriented hospital financing on the basis of diagnosis-related groups (DRG).

S: STATISTICS AUSTRIA, Statistics of Hospital Discharges; Federal Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection, Reports on Diagnoses and Services. Compiled on 30 September 2023. – Number of medical services provided during inpatient hospital stays (reference to discharges during the year, including deaths). – The coding and grouping of medical services is carried out in accordance with the DRG system of procedure-oriented hospital financing on the basis of diagnosis-related groups (DRG).

S: STATISTICS AUSTRIA, Statistics of Hospital Discharges; Federal Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection, Reports on Diagnoses and Services. Compiled on 30 September 2023. – Number of medical services provided during inpatient hospital stays (reference to discharges during the year, including deaths). – The coding and grouping of medical services is carried out in accordance with the DRG system of procedure-oriented hospital financing on the basis of diagnosis-related groups (DRG).

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2022-11-15 file Number of inpatient hospital stays increased slightly in 2021
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Population and society / Health / Health care and expenditure / Inpatient health care: hospital discharges / Population and society / Health / Health care and expenditure / Inpatient health care: medical procedures / Health care and expenditure / Health / Population and society /

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