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At-risk-of-poverty or social exclusion

Risk-of-poverty - single women (without pensioners)
25 %
Men: 26 %
Risk-of-poverty - women with pension
28 %
Men: 17 %
Risk-of-poverty - Single-parent household
41 %
Total: 15 % (persons in private households)

On the topic of Gender statistics, the section on persons at-risk-of-poverty or social exclusion provides information on the dimensions income poverty (risk of poverty, low household income relative to the median of the population), severe material and social deprivation (absolute poverty according to a European minimum standard of living) and no or very low work intensity in the household. Gender-specific differences cannot be shown on the household level, or can only be shown to a certain extent, since a pooling of resources and an equal distribution among household members is assumed. Differences in the risk of poverty for women and men can therefore only be interpreted for households with one adult (single-person households, single-parent households).

Further information can be found on our website under Poverty.

S: STATISTICS AUSTRIA, EU-SILC 2023. Compiled on 25 April 2024. - 1) Only persons aged 0 to 64 years. Living in a household with low work intensity: work intensity of persons between 18 and 64 years in the household (without pension recipients, people who are retired or students) is up to 20%. - Severe material and social deprivation: Describes falling below a minimum standard of living defined as part of the Europe 2030 strategy. If at least 7 out of 13 criteria are not affordable, then people are considered to be severely materially and socially deprived. - At risk of poverty or social exclusion: at risk of poverty, or living in a household with low work intensity, or severely materially or socially deprived. - *) Not applicable for the indicator 'households with very low work intensity'. **) Small sample sizes for the indicator 'severe material and social deprivation' (less than 20 cases per cell).

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2025-03-05 calendar-alt Gender Statistics 2025
Population and society / Gender statistics
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Last updated on 2024-08-23.