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Teaching staff

Teaching staff in general and in vocational schools
126 649
Increased +1.8 % compared to the school year 2022/23
Teaching staff at universities
77 161
Increased +1.1 % compared to the school year 2022/23

Statistics Austria provides data on the teaching staff at educational institutions in Austria, covering public and private schools as well as higher education (public and private universities, universities of applied sciences, university colleges of teacher education), by headcount and by full time equivalents.

The legal basis is the Federal Act on Documentation in Education (Bildungsdokumentationsgesetz 2020 – BilDokG 2020). Statistical analyses of teaching staff at schools can be broken down by the following characteristics: headcount or full-time equivalents, sex, age, school type, federal province or political district. Statistical analyses of teaching staff at higher education institutions can be broken down by the following characteristics: headcount or full-time equivalents, professors, assistants and other academic and artistic staff, type of institution, higher education institution, federal province and sex. The sources are statistics about schools and universities, data from the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research and the Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Regions and Tourism, and data collection in private schools.

STATISTICS AUSTRIA, Teaching Staff Statistics. Compiled on 3rd December 2024. Due to aliquotations in the school type assignment of a teacher, rounding differences to the school type total are possible. Total without teachers of federal sports academies and schools of the health sector. Vocational schools for apprentices without staff in the field of agriculture and forestry. Schools for intermediate and colleges for higher vocational education including staff in vocational schools for apprentices in the field of agriculture and forestry.

S: STATISTICS AUSTRIA, Statistics on teaching staff. Compiled on 26th September 2024.

Date Title PDF download
2024-12-03 file Number of pupils increased again in 2023/24
117.0 KB
2022-05-12 file Education in Figures 2020/21: more pupils eligible for promotion, higher pass rates at the main date of the "Matura" examinations and more students at public universities
41.3 KB

Date Title result SDDS+ Special Data Dissemination Standards PR PR press release
2025-12-02 calendar-alt Teaching staff in schools 2024/25
Population and society / Education / Teaching staff
2025-09-03 calendar-alt Teaching staff at universities 2024/25
Population and society / Education / Teaching staff
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Last updated on 2024-12-03.