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Commuters (place of education)

Commuting not within the municipality - General compulsory schools
160 261
Commuting not within the municipality - Academic secondary and higher technical schools
147 509
Commuting not within the municipality - Universities
53 459

The statistics on pupils and students commuting to an educational institution provide an overview of the distances travelled by pupils and students from their main residence to their educational institution (e.g. school or university). Pupils or students who are also in employment are counted as regular commuters.

Pupils and students with a commute to an educational institution are part of the statistics on commuters, which are published as part of the population census and annually as part of the Register-based Labour Market Statistics (reference date: 31 October).

S: STATISTICS AUSTRIA, Register-based Labour Market Statistics 2022. Territorial structure 2022. Compiled on 17 June 2024. – For data privacy protection reasons, the statistical disclosure control method of "record swapping" has been used on a part of the data. For analyses based on very small cell values, no reliable assertions can be made. – Commuting within the municipality: including not commuting in the sense that the place of work is in the same building as the place of residence. – Other formal education: Attendance of training courses and seminars in formal education, including pupils of vocational schools and health care schools without a training relationship. – Not commuting: in the sense that the educational institution is in the same building as the place of main residence.

S: STATISTICS AUSTRIA, Register-based Labour Market Statistics 2022, Reference date 31 October. Compiled on 17 June 2024. – For data privacy protection reasons, the statistical disclosure control method of "record swapping" has been used on a part of the data. For analyses based on very small cell values, no reliable assertions can be made. – Not commuting: in the sense that the educational instituion is in the same building as the place of main residence.

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2023-07-17 file Census 2021: Austria is growing due to immigration and ageing
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Date Title result SDDS+ Special Data Dissemination Standards PR PR press release
2025-06-16 calendar-alt Register-based labour market statistics 2023
Labour market / Activity status

Labour market / Unemployment / Unemployed, seeking work /

Labour market / Working time / Part-time work, part-time rate / Unemployed, seeking work / Unemployment / Labour market /

Labour market / Activity status / Labour market / Unemployment / Unemployed, seeking work / Part-time work, part-time rate / Working time / Labour market /

Labour market / Employment / Commuters (place of work) / Labour market / Working time / Part-time work, part-time rate / Unemployed, seeking work / Unemployment / Labour market / Activity status / Labour market /

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