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Self-reported disability

Proportion of the population with activity limitations according to GALI
Employment rate of persons with activity limitations according to GALI
Proportion of persons at-risk-of-poverty or social exclusion with activity limitations according to GALI

Capturing the complexity of disability by using surveys as a source for statistical coverage is an ongoing and partly controversial process. Multiple individual and household surveys apply the GALI-question (GALI = Global Activity Limitation Indicator) as a proxy variable for disability. According to this variable, persons are living with disabilities if they state that they have been slightly or severely limited in everyday activities due to a health problem for at least six months.

Results presented here are based on different Austrian individual and household surveys using the GALI-question: Microcensus, Health Interview Survey, EU-SILC and “How we are today”. The thematic spectrum of these surveys allows for shedding light on various aspects of the living conditions of persons with disabilities in the areas of, among others, housing, work, health, crisis impacts and quality of life.

Results for activity limitations of persons aged 55 and over can be found on our website at Health status – Functional impairments.

S: STATISTICS AUSTRIA, Microcensus 2022. – Population in private households aged 15 to 89.

S: STATISTICS AUSTRIA, Microcensus 2022. – Population in private households aged 15 to 89.

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Preview image for 'People with disabilities in Austria II' People with disabilities in Austria II

This publication constitutes the second interim report of the pilot project “Development of a data…

Preview image for 'People with disabilities in Austria I' People with disabilities in Austria I

This publication constitutes the first interim report of the pilot project “Development of a data…


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Last updated on 2024-09-10.