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Cultural participation

Monthly culture-related consumption expenditure of private households
111.3 Euros
Increased +6.3% compared to 2014/15
Attendence of live events in the past 12 months (persons aged 16 and over)
Decreased -22% compared to 2015

An overview of participation in the diverse cultural offerings in Austria is provided under the heading of “cultural participation”. Several surveys conducted by Statistics Austria serve as data sources, such as the Time Use Survey, the Household Budget Survey, the EU-SILC survey and the European survey on ICT use in households. These surveys or their corresponding modules are usually conducted at intervals of several years.

The Time Use Survey provides information on the average daily time use of persons aged ten and older in Austria. Based on the Household Budget Survey, the monthly consumption expenditure of private households can be presented in culture-related expenditure groups. Data on attendance at cultural events by the resident population aged 16 and over is available from EU-SILC. The use of the internet for cultural practices emerges from the survey on ICT use in households.

S: STATISTICS AUSTRIA, European Survey on ICT Use in Households 2022. Compiled on 24 July 2023.

Date Title result SDDS+ Special Data Dissemination Standards PR PR press release
2025-08-29 calendar-alt Culture Statistics 2023
Population and society / Culture
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