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Cultural economy and public expenditure

Share of the cultural sector in gross value added
Decreased -0.6% compared to 2020
Public expenditure on culture as a percentage of GDP
Decreased -0.07% compared to 2021

Cultural expenditure statistics use a scheme that was developed in the mid-1990s specifically to meet the requirements of cultural reporting in a federal system. The data basis is the closed accounts of the Federal Government, the federal provinces and the municipalities. The statistics are compiled annually.

Several annually available data sources from Statistics Austria are used to illustrate the economic significance of the cultural sector (cultural economy). The enterprise-related data is derived from the Census of Local Units of Employment, which is carried out in the course of the Register-based Labour Market Statistics. Data on economic statistics (Production value, Value added, Turnover) is taken from the Structural Business statistics. Data on “cultural goods” is taken from foreign trade statistics. The Labor Force Survey is a sample survey conducted as part of the Microcensus and provides data on the employment and income of employees.

S: STATISTICS AUSTRIA, Labour Force Survey 2022. Compiled on 14 March 2024. Values in thousand. Values with less than 6 000 persons are highly randomized.

Date Title result SDDS+ Special Data Dissemination Standards PR PR press release
2025-08-29 calendar-alt Culture Statistics 2023
Population and society / Culture
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Last updated on 2024-07-18.