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Statistics on convictions and reconvictions

27 268
Increased +3,1 % compared to 2022
25 033
Increased +2,3 % compared to 2022
Reconviction rate
30,0 %
Decreased -1,1 percentage points compared to 2022

Judicial crime statistics provide information about the final convictions handed down by Austrian courts in accordance with the Austrian Criminal Code and supplementary criminal laws. The statistics on convictions encompass three different data levels: convicted persons, convictions and (since the reporting year 2012) all offences included in the verdicts. Statistics on reconvictions are based on persons convicted (except for unconditional prison sentences) or released from prison during a given base year; the statistics show how many of these persons were convicted again during an observation period of four years.

Because they are derived from the criminal records file, Judicial crime statistics cannot provide information about judicial outcomes other than convictions, or any information about victims of crime. Statistics on crime victims are available from Police crime statistics (statistics on police reports).

S: STATISTICS AUSTRIA, Judicial Crime Statistics 2023. Compiled on 11.06.2024. – Total: 44 376 offences.

S: STATISTICS AUSTRIA, Judicial Crime Statistics 2023. Compiled on 11.06.2024.

S: STATISTICS AUSTRIA, Judicial Crime Statistics 2023. Compiled on 11.06.2024. – Sanctions partially on probation were introduced in 1988.

S: STATISTICS AUSTRIA, Reconviction Statistics 2023. Compiled on 11.06.2024. – Legally effective reconvictions within four years after the base event in the year 2019. The base event is either the release from prison or institutional confinement, or the legally effective conviction to something other than unconditional prison or institutional confinement. – Age at the time of the offence: Juveniles: 14 to 17 years old; young adults: 18 to 20 years old; adults: 21 years and older.

Date Title PDF download
2024-06-14 file Crime in 2023: 3.1% more convictions
138.0 KB
2023-06-07 file Convictions increased by 3.2% in 2022
127.5 KB

Date Title result SDDS+ Special Data Dissemination Standards PR PR press release
2025-06-06 calendar-alt Criminality - Judicial Criminal Statistics 2024
Population and society / Criminality and security / Statistics on convictions and reconvictions
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Judicial crime statistics provide information about the final convictions handed down by Austrian…

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