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Gender-based violence against women

Physical violence (since the age of 15)
23.47 %
Sexual violence (since the age of 15)
23,75 %
Sexual harassment at work
26,59 %

Violence against women means violence that women experience because of their gender or forms of violence that affect women disproportionately. Results on this topic are available from the survey „Gender-based violence against women and other forms of inter-personal violence“ from 2021. It was commissioned by Eurostat and the Federal Chancellery of Austria. It shows the prevalence of violence against women in their adult lifetime in and outside of intimate relationships, stalking, sexual harassment at work and violence in childhood. This makes this survey key in providing information on victims of violence and is a valuable supplement to Judicial crime statistics, which provides information about convictions, and to Police crime statistics (statistics on police reports).

In its „Gender Equality Strategy“ the European Commission foresees extensive measures in the fight against gender-based violence also comprising extensive and comparable data collections on violence against women.


S: STATISTIK AUSTRIA. Compiled on 25 November 2022. – The population may differ depending on the act of violence. Population (N = 3 245 166) : all women (18-74 years); Population (N = 3 130 986) : all women (18-74 years) who were already in an intimate relationship; Population (N = 2 770 707): all women (18-74 years) who were already employed;

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The report contains key data from the 2021 survey "Gender-based violence against women and other…

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