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Regional accounts

Highest GRP per capita - NUTS 2
58 900 euro
Highest disposable income per capita - NUTS 2
27 700 euro
Highest GRP per capita - NUTS 3
59 500 euro

Regional accounts provide data for economic comparisons of Austrian regions with each other and with other regions of the EU. The data is published annually in December. The calculations correspond to the concepts and methodology specified in the European System of National Accounts (ESA 2010).

Regional accounts publish data at federal province level (NUTS 2) on the following aggregates: gross regional product and gross value added (each at current prices and in volume terms), employment, compensation of employees, gross fixed capital formation, and primary and disposable income of private households (according to the residence concept). At NUTS 3 level, gross regional product and gross value added (both at current prices) and employment are calculated. All aggregates (except GRP and income of households) are available by industry (ÖNACE 2008). Detailed information on data sources and methodology is provided in the standard documentation.



S: STATISTICS AUSTRIA, Regional accounts. Created on 12 December 2023. - Concept ESA 2010. - Revision status: September 2023.

S: STATISTICS AUSTRIA, Regional accounts. Created on 12 December 2023. - Concept ESA 2010. - Revision status: September 2023.

S: STATISTICS AUSTRIA, Regional accounts. Created on 12 December 2023. - Concept ESA 2010. - Revision status: September 2023.

S: STATISTICS AUSTRIA, Regional accounts. Created on 12 December 2023. - Concept ESA 2010. - Revision status: September 2023.

Date Title PDF download
2023-12-12 file Largest economic growth 2022 in Salzburg and Tyrol
131.1 KB
2022-12-13 file Economic recovery in 2021 in all federal provinces except Tyrol
138.3 KB

Date Title result SDDS+ Special Data Dissemination Standards PR PR press release
2024-12-17 calendar-alt NUTS 2 - Disposable income and distribution accounts of households 2023
National economy and public finance / National accounts / Regional accounts
2024-12-17 calendar-alt NUTS 2 - Regional GDP and main aggregates 2023
National economy and public finance / National accounts / Regional accounts
provisional PR
2024-12-17 calendar-alt NUTS 3 - Regional GDP and main aggregates 2022
National economy and public finance / National accounts / Regional accounts
All releases

Inventory of Methods for Regional Accounts

Christian Leupold Phone: +43 1 711 28-7705
General information service Phone: +43 1 711 28-7070 Available on weekdays from 9.00 am–4.00 pm
Last updated on 2024-04-04.