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Non-financial sector accounts

Saving rate of households
Sunk -0.1 percentage points vs. 2022
Disposable income of households
267.5 bn euro
Sunk -0.1% real vs. 2022

The non-financial sector accounts describe the different stages of the economic process for the following institutional sectors: non-financial and financial corporations, general government, households, non-profit institutions serving households (NPISH) and rest of the world. The sequence of accounts includes production of goods and services, primary income distribution (earned and property income), secondary income distribution (redistribution), income use (consumption and saving) and capital formation.

The accounts are compiled annually and quarterly and are reconciled with the main national accounts aggregates, the general government accounts, the macroeconomic financial accounts and the balance of payments. Account balances such as saving and disposable income are shown gross and net, depending on whether consumption of fixed capital is taken into account. An important indicator is the saving rate, which is defined as the ratio of saving to disposable income.

S: STATISTIK AUSTRIA, Non-financial sector accounts, compiled on 30 September 2024. – NPISH: non-profit institutions serving households.

S: STATISTIK AUSTRIA, Non-financial sector accounts, Eurostat, compiled on 28 June 2024. – Moving average of four consecutive quarters.

Date Title PDF download
2024-03-29 file Saving rate remains almost stable in 2023
89.4 KB
2023-03-31 file Saving rate 2022 almost at pre-Corona level
95.4 KB
2022-03-31 file Household saving rate decreased to 11.8% in Austria
35.8 KB

Date Title result SDDS+ Special Data Dissemination Standards PR PR press release
2025-06-30 calendar-alt Disposable Income and Saving of private Households and Nonprofit institutions serving households, 1st quarter 2025
National economy and public finance / National accounts / Non-financial sector accounts

National economy and public finance / National accounts / Non-financial sector accounts /

2025-03-31 calendar-alt Disposable Income and Saving of private Households and Nonprofit institutions serving households, 4th quarter 2024 + year 2024
National economy and public finance / National accounts / Non-financial sector accounts
provisional PR

National economy and public finance / National accounts / Non-financial sector accounts /

2024-12-30 calendar-alt Disposable Income and Saving of private Households and Nonprofit institutions serving households, 3rd quarter 2024
National economy and public finance / National accounts / Non-financial sector accounts

National economy and public finance / National accounts / Non-financial sector accounts /

2024-10-18 calendar-alt Disposable income and saving of private Households and Nonprofit institutions serving households, 2nd quarter 2024
National economy and public finance / National accounts / Non-financial sector accounts

National economy and public finance / National accounts / Non-financial sector accounts /

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Last updated on 2024-10-03.