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Labour leasing

Leased employees
July 01, 2023 to June 30, 2024
166 545
Decreased -8.7%
July 01, 2023 to June 30, 2024
409 780
Increased +0.7%
Average duration of assignments in days
July 01, 2023 to June 30, 2024
Decreased -9 days

The statistics on labour leasing provide information on temporary or agency work in Austria. Key figures include the number of leased employees and assignments as well as the average duration of assignments in days. An assignment is a supply arrangement between a company with a business licence for the leasing of labour and the employing company.

The yearly average number of leased employees is presented by the federal province of the labour leasing firm and the employing company, by sectors and trade associations according to the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber and by the main activity of the employing company. The citizenship of the leased employees and the number of companies with active labour leasing activities are also illustrated. In addition, the results include information on the employment of workforce leased out to Austrian companies from EEA -countries.

Source: STATISTICS AUSTRIA on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Labour and Economy. Survey on labour leasing.

Source: STATISTICS AUSTRIA on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Labour and Economy Survey on the employment of workforce leased out to Austria from EEA-countries.

Source: STATISTICS AUSTRIA on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Labour and Economy. Survey on labour leasing. Note: The yearly average includes multiple counts as employees could be leased to several sectors. Rounding differences are not adjusted.

Source: STATISTICS AUSTRIA on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Labour and Economy. Survey on labour leasing. Note: The yearly average includes multiple counts as employees could be leased to several trade assocations. Rounding differences are not adjusted.

Source: STATISTICS AUSTRIA on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Labour and Economy. Survey on labour leasing. Note: Rounding differences are not adjusted.

Date Title PDF download
2022-03-01 file Significant decline in labour leasing during corona virus pandemic
38.9 KB

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Last updated on 2025-01-28.