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Labour costs

Labour cost statistics provide information about the level and structure of expenditure borne by employers for the employment of staff. Above all these are gross wages and salaries, social contributions and minor cost components like vocational training costs.

The labour cost survey is conducted according to EU law every 4 years. The results provide data on the level (per hour, per employee during a month and during a year) and composition of labour costs for the entire manufacturing sector (sections B to F of ÖNACE 2008) and nearly all branches of the services sector (sections G to N and P to S).

The annual labour cost statistics make data available between and after the four-yearly Labour cost surveys. The results cover average labour costs per hour actually worked and the structure of labour costs.

S: STATISTICS AUSTRIA, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020: Labour Cost Surveys, other years: extrapolation and interpolation. – 2021: In addition to the economic development, changes in the Structural Business Statistics and in the Microcensus – Labour Force Survey starting in reporting year 2021 can lead to breaks in the time series of Labour cost statistics. – 2023 and 2022: Preliminary results. – Including apprentices. – Results refer to local units. Excluding reporting units with less than ten employees. Without local units of reporting units of ÖNACE section O Public administration and defence; compulsory social security. – Compiled on 12 March 2024.

S: STATISTCS AUSTRIA, Labour cost survey 2020. – Including apprentices et al. – Excluding reporting units with less than ten employees. Without local units of reporting units of ÖNACE section O Public administration and defence; compulsory social securit. – Compiled on 8 August 2022.

S: STATISTICS AUSTRIA, Labour cost survey 2020. – Results refer to local units. Including apprentices et al. Excluding reporting units with less than ten employees. Without local units of reporting units of ÖNACE section O Public administration and defence; compulsory social securit; this concerns mainly sections P, Q, F and R. – Compiled on 8 August 2022.

S: STATISTICS AUSTRIA, Labour cost survey 2020. – Results refer to local units. Including apprentices et al. Excluding reporting units with less than ten employees. Without local units of reporting units of ÖNACE section O Public administration and defence; compulsory social securit; this concerns mainly sections P, Q, F and R. – Compiled on 8 August 2022.

S: STATISTICS AUSTRIA, Labour cost survey 2020. – Results refer to local units. Excluding apprentices et al. Excluding reporting units with less than ten employees. Without local units of reporting units of ÖNACE section O Public administration and defence; compulsory social securit; this concerns mainly sections P, Q, F and R. Incidtenal wage cost rate: Incidental wage costs in percent of direct remuneration. – Compiled on 8 August 2022.

Date Title result SDDS+ Special Data Dissemination Standards PR PR press release
2025-03-21 calendar-alt Labour costs 2024
Labour market / Labour costs and index of agreed minimum wages / Labour costs / Labour costs

Labour market /

Labour market / Labour costs and index of agreed minimum wages / Labour market /

Labour market / Labour costs and index of agreed minimum wages / Labour costs / Labour market / Labour costs and index of agreed minimum wages / Labour market /

Labour market / Labour costs and index of agreed minimum wages / Labour costs / Labour costs / Labour market / Labour costs and index of agreed minimum wages / Labour market / Labour costs / Labour costs and index of agreed minimum wages / Labour market /

2024-11-15 calendar-alt Labour costs 2023
Labour market / Labour costs and index of agreed minimum wages / Labour costs / Labour costs

Labour market /

Labour market / Labour costs and index of agreed minimum wages / Labour market /

Labour market / Labour costs and index of agreed minimum wages / Labour costs / Labour market / Labour costs and index of agreed minimum wages / Labour market /

Labour market / Labour costs and index of agreed minimum wages / Labour costs / Labour costs / Labour market / Labour costs and index of agreed minimum wages / Labour market / Labour costs / Labour costs and index of agreed minimum wages / Labour market /

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