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Labour cost index

The Labour cost index (LCI) measures the development of the costs borne by employers per hour worked on a quarterly basis. The LCI provides short-term information on economic development. It is calculated for individual economic activities (sections B to S of ÖNACE 2008) and for summaries thereof (B–S - whole economy, B–F - manufacturing sector, G–S - service sector, B–N - business economy and O–S­). The following index series are created (each per hour worked):

  • Total labour costs
  • Gross wages and salaries
  • Indirect labour costs (employer social security contributions + taxes – subsidies)
  • Total labour costs excluding bonuses (only sections B to F of ÖNACE 2008)

These index series of sections B to S of ÖNACE 2008 are available unadjusted, adjusted for working day and adjusted for seasonal variation and working day.

The LCI is created and published in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 450/2003 and sent to Eurostat 70 days after the end of each quarter.

S: STATISTICS AUSTRIA, Labour cost index, base year 2020. Compiled on 10 December 2024. – Most recent quarter is preliminary (may be revised with subsequent release). – The whole economy includes sections B to S according to ÖNACE 2008. – Currently sections H to N and P to S have no significant effect on working days; consequently the summary B to S is calculated by using working-day adjusted and unadjusted sections. – User information on the graph: In order to increase the readability of the respective time series, a time series can be deactivated by clicking on the time series title below the graph ('Index of total labour costs per working hour' or 'Percentage change on the same period of the previous year').

S: STATISTICS AUSTRIA, Labour cost index, basis year 2020. Compiled on 10 December 2024. – Most recent quarter is preliminary (may be revised with subsequent release). – The whole economy includes sections B to S according to ÖNACE 2008. – Currently sections H to N and P to S have no significant effect on working days; consequently the summary B to S is calculated by using working-day adjusted and unadjusted sections.

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Last updated on 2024-12-11.