The Labour cost index (LCI) measures the development of the costs borne by employers per hour worked on a quarterly basis. The LCI provides short-term information on economic development. It is calculated for individual economic activities (sections B to S of ÖNACE 2008) and for summaries thereof (B–S - whole economy, B–F - manufacturing sector, G–S - service sector, B–N - business economy and O–S). The following index series are created (each per hour worked):
- Total labour costs
- Gross wages and salaries
- Indirect labour costs (employer social security contributions + taxes – subsidies)
- Total labour costs excluding bonuses (only sections B to F of ÖNACE 2008)
These index series of sections B to S of ÖNACE 2008 are available unadjusted, adjusted for working day and adjusted for seasonal variation and working day.
The LCI is created and published in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 450/2003 and sent to Eurostat 70 days after the end of each quarter.