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ITGS atlas

Countries and territories
Amount 2023
Unchanged in comparison to 2022

The ITGS Atlas provides a visualisation of Austrian imports and exports in compliance with general cartographic rules.

In general, the spatial dimension – i.e. spatial proximity or distance – is a co-determining element for trade of physical goods. Therefore, the spatial reference for foreign trade statistics, which shows the import and export transactions of a country (e.g. Austria) with other countries (e.g. Germany, China, etc.), is of representative interest.

The basic initial setting of the ITGS Atlas is the exports of the most recent reporting year. The country selection helps to find partner countries (e.g. Mauritius, etc.). For spatial orientation, country or city names, the topography and the hydrographic network can be switched on.

The data update is performed with preliminary and final full-year results.

Responsive web design allows the ITGS Atlas to be displayed on desktop PCs as well as on mobile devices.

Alexander Brantl Foreign trade
Phone: +43 1 711 28-7827
General information service Phone: +43 1 711 28-7070 Available on weekdays from 9.00 am–4.00 pm
Last updated on 2024-08-16.