The Production Index is a short-term economic indicator aimed at measuring the fluctuations in real production on a monthly basis, particularly detecting the turning points of the business cycle as early as possible. The current base period is 2021, with the subsequent base period referring to the year 2025.
The EU-harmonized national Production Index for industries and construction is calculated at the level of divisions and sections B to F of OENACE 2008, as well as the industrial main groupings (MIG). The index series are calendar and seasonally adjusted. Preliminary results are published for the first time 40 days and then revised 70 days after the end of the reporting period.
The index of services production (ISP; real (price-adjusted) turnover index) is published for the survey domains of ÖNACE 2008 sections H, I, J, L, M (excl. group 70.1 and divisions 72 and 75) and N at the level of divisions. The calculation is based on a price-adjustment of the nominal turnover index using the services producer price index. The index is available about 60 days after the end of the reporting period.
Further information on the index of production you will find in our meta documentation.