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Outward FATS

Foreign affiliates abroad
by the end of 2022
7 588
Increased y.o.y.
Employment in affiliates abroad
annual average 2022
1 416 000
Increased y.o.y.
Foreign affiliates in countries of EU 27
by the end of 2022
63.7 %
Unchanged y.o.y.

Outward foreign affiliates statistics (Outward FATS) describe the number, structure and activity of subsidiaries abroad that are controlled by institutional units resident in the reporting country. Control means that these subsidiaries are majority-owned (a shareholding of more than 50 %) by domestic enterprises (directly, or via intermediate enterprises). Up to reporting year 2020, four characteristics were collected for the units in question: country of residence, activity (NACE), employment and turnover. Starting with reporting year 2021, personnel costs and gross investments are available in addition.

The data, which is compiled annually, is presented by sectors (NACE) and country of residence.

The legal basis is the national FATS Regulation, which was based on the European FATS Regulation (EC) No 716/2007 up to and including the reporting year 2020; from the reporting year 2021 onwards, it is based on Regulation (EU) 2019/2152 (European Business Statistics Regulation).

S: STATISTICS AUSTRIA, FATS statistics 2022.

S: STATISTIK AUSTRIA; FATS statistics 2022.

Date Title PDF download
2024-10-04 file Number of foreign affiliates in Austria increased in 2022
168.2 KB
2023-10-06 file Foreign affiliates of Austrian enterprises in 118 countries of the world in 2021
125.9 KB
2022-10-04 file Foreign affiliates provided every fifth job in Austrias market economy in 2020
155.5 KB

Date Title result SDDS+ Special Data Dissemination Standards PR PR press release
2025-10-03 calendar-alt Foreign affiliates statistics 2023
Industry, construction, trade and services / Foreign affiliates statistics
All releases

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Last updated on 2024-10-04.