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High growth enterprises

High growth enterprises
3 344
Increased +0.7 % compared to 2021
High growth enterprises' share on employer enterprises with at least 10 employees
7.8 %
Young high growth enterprises (gazelles)

High growth enterprises play a significant role for the creation of employment, innovations and growth of an economy. They are defined as employer enterprises that show an average annual increase in the number of employees of 10 % or more over a three-year-period. Enterprises having less than 10 employees in the starting year and/or that were newly born are excluded. Young high growth enterprises (so-called gazelles), as a subgroup of high growth enterprises, are no more than five years old.

Legal base is the regulation on European business statistics (EBS) at European level and the business demography statistics regulation (Unternehmensdemografiestatistik-Verordnung) at national level. In addition to the business registers of Statistics Austria (Business Register for Administrative Purposes and Statistical Business Register), the main data sources include tax data, employer and employee data from the Federation of Social Insurances, and data from the Chamber of Commerce and the Commercial Register.

S: STATISTICS AUSTRIA, Statistics on High growth enterprises. Compiled on 27 June 2024.

S: STATISTICS AUSTRIA, Statistics on High growth enterprises. Preliminary data. Compiled on 27 June 2024.

Date Title PDF download
2023-12-14 file Number of high-growth enterprises down slightly in 2022
148.9 KB
2022-12-15 file 3 095 high growth enterprises in 2021
144.1 KB

Date Title result SDDS+ Special Data Dissemination Standards PR PR press release
2025-06-27 calendar-alt High growth enterprises 2023
Industry, construction, trade and services / Business demography / High growth enterprises
2024-12-17 calendar-alt High growth enterprises 2023
Industry, construction, trade and services / Business demography / High growth enterprises
provisional PR
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Last updated on 2024-06-28.