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Material flow accounts

Direct material input
217.0 mn t
Sunk vs. previous year
Domestic material consumption
154.4 mn t
Sunk vs. previous year
Raw material consumption
198.5 mn t
Sunk vs. previous year

Material flow accounts map the physical exchange process between society and nature. In this process, the material flows are represented in four key flows – biomass, metallic ores, non-metallic minerals and fossil energy sources – and by means of specific indicators, such as domestic material extraction.
Material flow accounts are secondary statistics and are therefore based on numerous data sources including other primary statistics: for example, the air emissions accounts, energy statistics, foreign trade statistics, but also administrative data sources.

Preliminary results for Austria are published annually in December for the previous year, final results in the following April.

S: STATISTICS AUSTRIA, Material flow accounts. Compiled on 23 April 2024.

Date Title result SDDS+ Special Data Dissemination Standards PR PR press release
2025-04-30 calendar-alt Material Flow Accounts 2000-2023
Energy and environment / Environment / Material flow accounts

Energy and environment / Environment / Material flow accounts /

2024-12-18 calendar-alt Material Flow Accounts 2000-2023
Energy and environment / Environment / Material flow accounts

Energy and environment / Environment / Material flow accounts /

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Last updated on 2024-05-16.