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Energy consumption of households

Overall energy consumption of households
302 607 TJ
Increased vs. 2019/2020
Household energy consumption for heating
212 825 TJ
Increased vs. 2019/2020
Household electricity consumption
77 960 TJ
Increased vs. 2019/2020

The energy consumption of private households is surveyed every two years as a supplementary module to the Microcensus Housing and Labor Force Survey. The data collected include information on energy consumption in dwellings and by motor vehicles, as well as on renovations and heating systems. Publication also takes place every two years and covers the period from July of the previous year to June of the survey year. Furthermore, the data are included in the energy balances of Austria and the federal provinces.

S: STATISTICS AUSTRIA, Domestic energy consumption. Compiled on 11 October 2023.

S: STATISTICS AUSTRIA, Domestic energy consumption. Compiled on 1 September 2023.

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