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Energy accounts

Intermediate consumption
1 445 PJ
Decreased vs. previous year
Primary production
508 PJ
Decreased vs. previous year
Energy supply or use
2 352 PJ
Increased vs. previous year

To enable comparisons of economic data with energy consumption data, energy statistics data are aggregated according to the definitions of the national accounts. The resulting energy accounts thus provide information on the generation and use of energy by economic sector in physical and energy units. They are compiled annually for Austria.

For the calculation, a variety of different data is used, e.g. from own surveys (on energy consumption) but also from business statistics (such as the material input statistics) as well as from administrative data sources (such as the emissions trading system).

S: STATISTICS AUSTRIA, Energy accounts. Compiled on 15 April 2024.

Date Title result SDDS+ Special Data Dissemination Standards PR PR press release
2025-04-15 calendar-alt Energy Accounts 2009 - 2023
Energy and environment / Energy / Energy accounts
All releases

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Last updated on 2024-04-15.