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Production of fish for human consumption
5 170 229 kg
Increased vs. previous year
Production of fish eggs in pieces
12 135 970
Decreased vs. previous year
Production of juvenile fish in pieces
37 161 717
Increased vs. previous year

For the Aquaculture Production Statistics, primary data are collected annually in the frame of a mandatory census. This census gathers information on the quantity of aquatic organisms sold (fish for consumption, crabs, shrimps), as well as spawn and juvenile fish. Furthermore, the questionnaire collects data on the companies' aquaculture production facilities. The legal base for the census is an EU-Regulation and its national implementation.

Aquaculture is the rearing or keeping of aquatic organisms (fish, crabs, shrimp) with the aim of increasing the production beyond the outcome of natural conditions by using appropriate techniques. The aquatic organisms remain the property of a natural or legal person. Aquaculture production means the quantity of fish produced under the above circumstances that has been sold. Quantities for self-supply, commercial goods (trade) and income from fishing are excluded.

The statistics are made public one year after the end of the production year.

S: STATISTICS AUSTRIA, Aquaculture production. Compiled on 18 December 2024.

Date Title PDF download
2024-12-18 file Food fish production increased by 9.6% in 2023
96.8 KB
2023-12-20 file Food fish production fell by 4.1% in 2022
90.2 KB
2022-12-16 file 4 920 tonnes of edible fish were produced in Austria in 2021
87.8 KB

Date Title result SDDS+ Special Data Dissemination Standards PR PR press release
2025-12-18 calendar-alt Aquaculture production 2024
Agriculture and forestry / Animals, animal production / Aquaculture
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All releases

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Last updated on 2024-12-18.