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Supply balance sheets

Per capita consumption vegetables
122.6 kg
Increased vs. previous year
Per capita consumption fruit
76.6 kg
Decreased vs. previous year
Per capita consumption wine
25.9 l
Decreased vs. previous year

Supply balance sheets are calculated annually and provide a comprehensive overview of the food supply in Austria. Domestic use is calculated by comparing domestic production and import with export and change in stocks. The main data sources are production statistics, foreign trade statistics and expert estimates. The resulting data include the degree of self-supply and the per capita consumption. 

The supply balance sheets for crops contain twelve main groups, which include a large number of detailed balance sheets. It covers the marketing year – from 1 July until 30 June of the following year. For the wine balance sheet, the reference period begins on 1 August and ends on 31 July. The reference period for the sugar balance sheet runs from 1 October until 30 September.

The animal sector contains six main groups, again with a large number of detailed balance sheets. The reference period for this sector is the calendar year from 1 January until 31 December.

S: STATISTICS AUSTRIA, Supply balance sheets. – Provisional results for the marketing year 2023/24. – Compiled on 29 November 2024.

S: STATISTICS AUSTRIA, Supply balance sheets. – Compiled on 2 September 2024.

S: STATISTICS AUSTRIA, Supply balance sheets. – Provisional results for the marketing year 2023/24. – Compiled on 29 November 2024.

Date Title PDF download
2024-09-02 file Further decline in per capita meat consumption in 2023
86.5 KB
2024-04-30 file Fewer vegetables, but more fruit consumed per capita in 2022/23
87.2 KB
2023-08-31 file Per capita consumption of animal products continues to rise slightly in 2022 compared to previous year
85.8 KB
2023-04-28 file Per capita consumption of vegetables at record level
85.3 KB
2022-08-31 file Per capita consumption of animal products continues to decline in 2021
76.5 KB
2022-04-29 file Per capita consumption of beer down in 2020/21; potato consumption up
51.7 KB

Date Title result SDDS+ Special Data Dissemination Standards PR PR press release
2025-12-01 calendar-alt Supply balance sheets for crop products 2024/2025
Agriculture and forestry / Agricultural balance sheets / Supply balance sheets
2025-09-01 calendar-alt Supply balance sheets for animal products 2024
Agriculture and forestry / Agricultural balance sheets / Supply balance sheets
final PR
2025-04-30 calendar-alt Supply balance sheets for crop products 2023/2024
Agriculture and forestry / Agricultural balance sheets / Supply balance sheets
final PR
All releases

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Last updated on 2024-11-29.