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Irrigable area
122 347 ha
Increased vs. 2010
Holdings with irrigation possibility
7 225
Increased vs. 2010
Share of the irrigable area in utilised agricultural area
share: 4.7%
Increased vs. 2010

The Farm Structure Survey collects data on the structure of agricultural and forestry holdings, including data on irrigation.

According to EU legislation, a census is conducted every ten years, with sample surveys at three- or four-year intervals in between. All agricultural and forestry holdings meeting the legislation's minimum requirements must participate. Relevant available administrative data sources are used, and complemented with questionnaires.

For the census, regional data are available – partially at the municipality level. In applicable sample survey years, the smallest geographical unit available is that of the federal province.

S: STATISTICS AUSTRIA, Farm Structure Survey. Compiled on 12 July 2022.

General information service Phone: +43 1 711 28-7070 Available on weekdays from 9.00 am–4.00 pm
Last updated on 2024-01-29.