...Since 2015, the largest increases in absolute numbers have been among people with Syrian (+83 900), Romanian (+80 100), Ukrainian (+72 100), German (+62 300) and Hungarian (+52 300) citizenship...
...The lowest perceived affiliation with Austria can be found among immigrants from Ukraine (59.0%)...
...People who were born in Bosnia and Herzegovina (72.0%), Serbia (67.7%) or Iran (67.6%) are most likely to consider their present German language skills to be at least good. This proportion is lowest among immigrants from Ukraine (36.9%), Türkiye (51.2%) and Syria (58.1%)...
...In 2023, 194 959 people moved to Austria from abroad and 128 330 emigrated from Austria to other countries. This resulted in an international net-migration of +66 629 people. In the previous year, this balance was more than twice as high (2022: +136 979 people), which was mainly due to the strong immigration from Ukraine...
...After the immigration of Ukrainian nationals led to record growth of 1.4% in 2022, the population increase in 2023 was much more moderate at +0.6%...
...The increase is particularly evident in compulsory general education schools and is mainly due to the migration from Ukraine from spring 2022 onwards...
...Due to the war in Ukraine, the number of primary school pupils with non-Austrian citizenship in particular increased again significantly...
...Having already reached the nine million mark in 2022 due to immigration from Ukraine, Austriaʼs population will grow by 6.6% to 9.7 million by 2040...
...“Austriaʼs population is growing – and this is solely due to immigration. In 2022, migration from Ukraine led to a significant increase in the population...
...For decades, Austria has been growing primarily through immigration, last year especially due to refugee migration from Ukraine...
...Since 2015, the largest increases in absolute numbers have been among persons with Romanian (+74 100), Ukrainian (+71 000), Syrian (+70 900) and German citizenship (+54 500)...
...The lowest perceived affiliation with Austria can be found among migrants from Ukraine (54%)...
...Language use is closely related to German language skills. (...) This proportion is lowest among immigrants from Ukraine, Syria and Türkiye
...The population increased primarily as a result of international immigration, which was particularly marked by refugee migration from Ukraine...
...In 2022, about 67 000 more people immigrated from Ukraine than left Austria...
.... It was also higher than in 2015 (net migration: +113 067). Half of the net migration in 2022 was due to migration from Ukraine (net migration of Ukrainian citizens: +67 353)...
... Austria grew more strongly in 2022 than in previous years. Having already exceeded the nine-million mark in the first quarter of 2022 due to refugee migration from Ukraine, the population was more than 9.1 million at the beginning of 2023. A good half of the population growth in 2022 is attributable to people with Ukrainian citizenship ...
... The strongest increase of all foreign citizens was recorded for Ukrainian nationals (+66 899 persons). At the beginning of 2023, a total of 79 572 Ukrainian nationals were thus the ninth largest foreign nationality in Austria ...
... The increase as a result of refugee migration from Ukraine from the second half of the school year 2021/22 is not yet taken into account here ...
... Following the outbreak of the Ukraine crisis, attendance figures for all school types increased by a total of around 11 000 in the 2021/22 school year up to June 2022 ...
... According to figures from the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research, an additional 4 700 children displaced from Ukraine were being taught in Austrias primary schools at the beginning of June 2022 ...
... As a result of refugee movements due to the Ukraine crisis, attendance at lower secondary schools also increased by around 4 900 during the 2021/22 school year ...
... Refugee migration from Ukraine will lead to higher immigration in 2022 than in 2015, when many people from Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq came to Austria ...
… The number of Ukrainian citizens in Austria increased particularly significantly in 2022: While at the beginning of the year 2022 there were about 13 000 Ukrainians living in Austria, on 1 April 2022 there were already almost 53 000 ...
... In the meantime, Austria has already cracked the nine-million mark in mid-March 2022, and the population has grown faster than expected due to refugee migration from Ukraine ...
... The population has grown faster than expected due to refugee migration from Ukraine. In the first quarter of 2022, the population increased by around 48 000 people, a good 40 000 of whom are Ukrainian nationals ...
… The upswing on the domestic labour market has been uninterrupted for a year and has not yet been affected by the economic consequences of the energy crisis and the war in Ukraine ...
...The transport volume thus fell to a historic low. This was solely due to decreases in goods receipt, with transports from Ukraine to Austria almost coming to a standstill...
...Goods receipt from the Ukraine has been reduced since 2022...
...In 2023, only a small amount of 10 361 t was transported via waterway from Ukraine to Austria...
... Due to the Ukraine war, the decline in overnight stays by Russian guests was 87.9 %, whereas 1.2 million overnight stays were registered in 2019 ...
...In the period January to May 2024, imports from Ukraine decreased by 9.1% to €0.41 bn compared to the same period before the start of the war (January to May 2021)...
...On the import side, trade with the Russian Federation showed a decrease (−17.8% to €1.06 bn) compared to the same period in 2021 before the start of the war with Ukraine, with gas being the most important import commodity...
...In the period January to April 2024, imports from Ukraine decreased by 12.6% to €0.33 bn compared to the same period before the start of the war (January to April 2021)...
...On the import side, trade with the Russian Federation showed a decrease (−13.2% to €0.85 bn) compared to the same period in 2021 before the start of the war with Ukraine, with gas being the most important import commodity...
...With an import share of 0.5% (€0.93 bn) and an export share of 0.3% (€0.62 bn) in 2023, Ukraine was not among Austriaʼs most important trading partners.
...However, in 2023, Austria imported 6.4% of all crude materials from Ukraine...
...Crude materials accounted for 51.7% of imports from Ukraine...
...In terms of trade intensity, the Russian Federation was the 17th most important trading partner in 2023...
...With an import share of 2.0% (€4.09 bn), the Russian Federation now reached eleventh place in 2023, after the sixth place in 2022...
...The majority of Austrian exports to Russia in 2023 were chemical products (−12.2% to €0.63 bn)...
...In the period January to March 2024, imports from Ukraine decreased by 13.4% to €0.26 bn compared to the same period before the start of the war (January to March 2021)...
...On the import side, trade with the Russian Federation showed a decrease (−10.9% to €0.64 bn) compared to the same period in 2021 before the start of the war with Ukraine, with gas being the most important import commodity...
...In the period January to February 2024, imports from Ukraine decreased by 6.1% to €0.17 bn compared to the same period before the start of the war (January and February 2021)...
...On the import side, trade with the Russian Federation showed a decrease (−8.2% to €0.43 bn) compared to the same period in 2021 before the start of the war with Ukraine, with gas being the most important import commodity...
...In January 2024, imports from Ukraine decreased by 16.9% to €0.08 bn compared to the same month before the start of the war (January 2021)...
...On the import side, trade with the Russian Federation showed a decrease (−6.2% to €0.24 bn) compared to the same month in 2021 before the start of the war in Ukraine, with gas being the most important import commodity...
...With an import share of 0.5% (€0.93 bn) and an export share of 0.3% (€0.62 bn) in 2023, Ukraine was not among Austriaʼs most important trading partners...
...However, in 2023, Austria imported 6.6% of all crude materials from Ukraine.
...Crude materials accounted for 51.8% of imports from Ukraine...
...In the past five years, the Russian Federation has always been among Austriaʼs 20 most important trading partners...
...With an import share of 2.0% (€4.06 bn), the Russian Federation now reached eleventh place in 2023, after the sixth place in 2022...
...The majority of Austrian exports to Russia in 2023 were chemical products (−12.2% to €0.63 bn), followed by machinery and vehicles (−51.2% to €0.24 bn)...
...In the period January to November 2023, imports from Ukraine decreased by 9.1% to €0.88 bn compared to the same period before the start of the war (January to November 2021)...
...On the import side, trade with the Russian Federation showed a decrease (−6.3% to €3.75 bn) compared to the same period in 2021 before the start of the war with Ukraine, with gas being the most important import commodity...
...In the period January to October 2023, imports from Ukraine decreased by 8.2% compared to the same period before the start of the war (January to October 2021) to €0.81 bn...
...On the import side, trade with the Russian Federation showed a decrease (−0.3% to €3.44 bn) compared to the same period in 2021 before the start of the war with Ukraine...
...In the period January to September 2023, imports from Ukraine decreased by 8.4% compared to the same period before the start of the war (January to September 2021) to €0.74 bn...
...On the import side, trade with the Russian Federation showed a significant increase (+10.9% to €3.18 bn) compared to the same period in 2021 before the start of the war with Ukraine, with gas being the most important import commodity...
...In the period January to August 2023, imports from Ukraine decreased by 6.2% compared to the same period before the start of the war (January to August 2021) to €0.68 bn...
...On the import side, trade with the Russian Federation showed a significant increase (+23.3% to €2.92 bn) compared to the same period in 2021 before the start of the war with Ukraine, with gas being the most important import commodity...
...In the period January to July 2023, imports from Ukraine decreased by 3.2% compared to the same period before the start of the war (January to July 2021) to €0.61 bn...
...On the import side, trade with the Russian Federation showed a significant increase (+37.2% to €2.69 bn) compared to the same period in 2021 before the start of the war with Ukraine, with gas being the most important import commodity...
...In the year before the Russian Federation attacked the Ukraine, the number of Austrian affiliates still increased slightly in both countries (Russian Federation: +11, Ukraine: +2 in absolute numbers)...
...In the period January to June 2023, imports from Ukraine decreased by 2.4% compared to the same period before the start of the war (January to June 2021) to €0.53 bn...
...On the import side, trade with the Russian Federation showed a significant increase (+50.5% to €2.41 bn) compared to the same period in 2021 before the start of the war with Ukraine, with gas being the most important import commodity...
...In the period January to May 2023, imports from Ukraine showed a decrease by 0.6% compared to the same period before the start of the war (January–May 2021) to €0.45 bn...
...On the import side, trade with the Russian Federation showed a significant increase (+70.5% to €2.20 bn) compared to the same period in 2021 before the start of the war with Ukraine, with gas being the most important import commodity...
...In the period January to April 2023, imports from Ukraine showed a decrease by 7.5% compared to the same period before the start of the war (January–April 2021) to €0.35 bn...
...On the import side, trade with the Russian Federation showed a significant increase (+89.9% to €1.86 bn) compared to the same period in 2021 before the start of the war with Ukraine, with gas being the most important import commodity....
...With an import share of 0.5% (€1.18 bn) in 2022 and an export share of 0.3% (€0.51 bn), Ukraine was not among Austriaʼs most important trading partners. However, in 2022 Austria imported 7.2% of all crude materials from Ukraine.
...Crude materials accounted for 55.5% of imports from Ukraine...
...Considering the international trade with Ukraine over the past ten years, the import side in particular shows an increase in value in 2022 compared to the previous years...
...In the past five years, the Russian Federation has always been among Austria's 20 most important trading partners. With an import share of 3.8% (€8.25 bn), the Russian Federation now reached 6th place in 2022, after the 10th place in 2021 before...
...The majority of Austrian exports to Russia in 2022 were chemical products (+12.1% to €0.72 bn), followed by machinery and vehicles (−23.8% to €0.50 bn)...
...In the period January to March 2023, imports from Ukraine showed a decrease by 10.0 % compared to the same period before the start of the war (January–March 2021) to €0.27 bn...
...On the import side, trade with the Russian Federation showed a significant increase (+113.8 % to €1.53 bn) compared to the same period in 2021 before the start of the war with Ukraine, with gas being the most important import commodity...
...In the period January to February 2023, imports from Ukraine showed a decrease by 1.7% compared to the same period before the start of the war (January–February 2021) to €0.18 bn...
...On the import side, trade with the Russian Federation showed a significant increase (+146.3% to €1.15 bn) compared to the same period in 2021 before the start of the war with Ukraine...
...In January 2023, imports from Ukraine showed a decrease compared to January 2021 (-8.6% to €0.09 bn) before the start of the war...
...Trade with the Russian Federation showed a significant increase (+194.7% to €0.75 bn) compared to the same month in 2021 before the start of the war with Ukraine...
...With an import share of 0.6% (€1.18 bn) in 2022 and an export share of 0.3% (€0.51 bn), the Ukraine was not among Austria's most important trading partners...
...With an import share of 3.9% (€8.24 bn), the Russian Federation now reached 6th place in 2022, after the 10th place in 2021 before...
... Imports from the Ukraine showed an increase in the period January to November 2022 compared to the same period of the previous year (+13.9 % to €1.10 bn) ...
... On the import side, trade with the Russian Federation showed a significant increase (+91.4 % to €7.67 bn) compared to the same period in 2021, with gas being the most important import commodity ...
... Imports from the Ukraine showed an increase in the period January to October 2022 compared to the same period of the previous year (+13.9 % to €1.01 bn) ...
... On the import side, trade with the Russian Federation showed a significant increase (+98.9 % to €6.86 bn) compared to the same period in 2021, with gas being the most important import commodity ...
... Imports from the Ukraine showed an increase in the period January to September 2022 compared to the same period of the previous year (+12.2 % to €0.91 bn) ...
... On the import side, trade with the Russian Federation showed a significant increase (+102.3 % to €5.80 bn) compared to the same period in 2021, with gas being the most important import commodity ...
... Imports from the Ukraine showed an increase in the period January to August 2022 compared to the same period of the previous year (+8.5 % to €0.79 bn) ...
... On the import side, trade with the Russian Federation showed a significant increase (+124.3 % to €5.31 bn) compared to the same period in 2021, with gas being the most important import commodity ...
... Imports from the Ukraine showed an increase in the period January to July 2022 compared to the same period of the previous year (+10.2 % to €0.69 bn) ...
... On the import side, trade with the Russian Federation showed a significant increase (+144.7 % to €4.80 bn) compared to the same period in 2021, with gas being the most important import commodity ...
... Imports from the Ukraine showed an increase in the period January to June 2022 compared to the same period of the previous year (+12.4 % to €0.61 bn) ...
... On the import side, trade with the Russian Federation showed a significant increase (+173.2 % to €4.37 bn) compared to the same period in 2021, with gas being the most important import commodity ...
… Imports from the Ukraine showed an increase in the period January to May 2022 compared to the same period of the previous year (+14.5 % to €0.51 bn) ...
... On the import side, trade with the Russian Federation showed a significant increase (+201.8 % to €3.90 bn) compared to the same period in 2021, with gas being the most important import commodity ...
…Imports from the Ukraine showed a slight increase in the period January to April 2022 compared to the same period of the previous year (+2.3 % to €0.39 bn) ...
... On the import side, trade with the Russian Federation showed a significant increase (+215.5 % to €3.10 bn) compared to the same period in 2021, with gas being the most important import commodity ...
... With an import share of 0.6% (€1.05 bn) in 2021 and an export share of 0.4 % (€0.62 bn), the Ukraine was not among Austria's most important trading partners. However, in 2021 Austria imported 7.8 % of all crude materials from the Ukraine. 41.2 % of all Austrian iron ore imports came from there. Crude materials accounted for 61.5 % of imports from Ukraine ...
... In the past five years, the Russian Federation has always been among Austria's 20 most important trading partners ...
... The majority of Austrian exports to Russia in 2021 were machinery and vehicles (-23.3 % to €0.65 bn), followed by chemical products (+6.7% to €0.64 bn) ...
… Before the outbreak of the war in Ukraine, Austria's foreign trade continued its growth course at the beginning of 2022 with a significant increase in imports of 32.0% and an increase in exports of 21.3% compared to January 2021 ...
... The most important export partners in 2021 were Germany with 30.1%, Italy with 6.8% and the United States with 6.7%; the Russian Federation was in 17th place with an export share of 1.2% ...
...The prices of goods that are dependent on internationally traded raw materials rose sharply at the beginning of the Ukraine war, have since fallen again...
...In September 2023, inflation fell to 6.0%, down from 7.4% in August. This was the lowest level of inflation since the start of the war in Ukraine in February 2022...
...In September 2023, inflation in Austria has eased significantly. According to a first estimate, inflation has decreased to 6.1%, after 7.4% in August. This is the lowest value since the outbreak of the war in Ukraine in February 2022...
...In March 2022, after the start of the war in Ukraine, fuel and heating oil had become massively more expensive – in comparison, fuel and heating oil prices have now fallen sharply...
... Since the outbreak of the war in Ukraine, life in Austria has become more expensive than it has been for more than 40 years: the inflation rate was 6.8% in March 2022 ...
...The warmer weather, but also the massive rise of energy and fuel prices as a result of the beginning of the war in Ukraine in February 2022, pushed the energy consumption in Austria in 2022 almost back to the pandemic low level of 2020...
...Due to the economic and political upheavals of recent years (pandemic, war in Ukraine, high inflation), there were greater fluctuations in GDP growth...
...The warmer weather but also the massive increase in energy and fuel prices with the start of the Ukraine war in February 2022 caused energy consumption in Austria to fall in 2022 almost to the low level of the first pandemic year in 2020...
...The estimate on 2023 is particularly subject to uncertainty given the overall unpredictability of the world economy due to the war on Ukraine and its economic impacts...
…The estimate for 2022 is subject to particular uncertainty given the unpredictability of the overall economic development due to COVID-19 and the war in Ukraine ...