This is a selection of results related to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Population aged 65 and older by municipalities (STATatlas, interactive map)
Number of deaths
Deaths in Austria (STATatlas, interactive map)
Number of deaths in Austria increased stepwise since the beginning of the year (Press release 2022-04-14)
Causes of death
Approximately 9% of all deaths in Austria in 2021 due to COVID-19 (Press release 2022-03-03)
Austrian COVID-19 vaccination as well as recovery status differs by age, employment and educational level (Press release 2022-04-15)
45 % of the pupils, 83 % of the teachers in schools and 84 % of the university students had a valid COVID-19 vaccination certificate at the beginning of February (Press release 2022-03-09)
Austrian COVID-19 vaccination and recovery status depends on employment, educational level and age (Press release 2022-02-22)
Significantly lower mortality rates among persons vaccinated against COVID-19 compared to unvaccinated persons (Press release 2022-01-25)
COVID-19 pandemic caused a rise in share of persons in households with low work intensity; social transfers have a stabilizing effect on household income situation (Press release 2022-04-28)
Statistics Austria observes social impact of the Corona Crisis: one out of three is affected by decrease of household income, every sixth person reports an increase (Press release 2022-04-05)
Education in Figures 2020/21: more pupils eligible for promotion, higher pass rates at the main date of the "Matura" examinations and more students at public universities (Press release 2022-05-12)
Graduates of the Austrian "Matura" during corona pandemic very successful (Press release 2022-03-15)
Labour market
Austrian labour market in 2021: gradual recovery in the course of the year (Press release 2022-03-17)
146 000 job vacancies on average in Austria in 2021: highest level since the start of the survey (Press release 2022-02-04)
Number of holiday trips increased in 2021, but still well below 2019 pre-crisis level (Press release 2022-05-04)
Current Winter season 2021/22 with 33,2 million nights spent still well below pre-crisis level (Press release 2022-03-25)
First half of the 2021/22 winter tourism season with almost 20 million nights spent 41,5 % below pre-crisis level (Press release 2022-02-25)
Tourism 2021: Almost one fifth fewer nights spent than in 2020, 48 % fewer than in 2019 (Press release 2022-01-26)
Fewer accommodation establishments and beds in the tourism year 2020/21 (Press release 2022-01-21)
Transport volume by rail increased by 4,8 % in 2021 (Press release 2022-04-21)
Commercial aviation 2021: Passenger volume increased by 20,3 %, but still well below pre-crisis level (Press release 2022-02-24)
Trade and services
Number of persons employed in trade and in services increased in 2021 (Press release 2022-04-06)
Austria's service and retail trade enterprises with turnover increase in 2021 (Press release 2022-03-04)
Austrian retail sector with turnover growth in 2021 (Press release 2022-02-04)
International trade
ITGS-Atlas – Austrian foreign trade Atlas (interactive tool)
International trade in goods 2021: significant increases in imports (+23,2 %) and exports (+16,1 %) (Press release 2022-03-09)
Strong increase for regional foreign trade in first half year 2021 (Press release 2022-01-03)
COVID-19 pandemic caused a significant rise in public current health expenditure (Press release 2022-02-10)
Austrian Recovery Barometer
Austrian Recovery Barometer: Austria's economy grew strongly in Q1 2022 (Press release 2022-06-02)
Austrian Recovery Barometer: Austria's GDP grows by 4,5 % in 2021; economic output at year-end just below pre-crisis level (Press release 2022-03-04)
European economy
European Statistical Recovery Dashboard (Eurostat)