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Interactive maps


The interactive atlases and maps from Statistics Austria are intended to visualize complex topics in a simple way and to clarify regional differences at a glance. This is done using maps, diagrams, animations and tables. The content of the individual applications is constantly being expanded and updated.


STATatlas is a cartographic product, which is a collection for all online maps of Statistics Austria. It embeds interactive maps and offers a variety of different statistical topics.

Road traffic accidents

This map shows road accidents with personal injuries. An injury accident is any accident involving at least one road vehicle in motion on a public road, resulting in at least one injured or killed person. At the moment this map is only available in German.

Schools in Austria

The map visualizes the current locations of the schools according to ten main categories. Additional information such as the name of the school, address, number of classes or number of students can be displayed. The place of residence of the students in the selected school can also be visualized, based on 500m grid cells. The transitions of the students after the 4th or 8th grade can also be displayed. At the moment this map is only available in German.


The ITGS-Atlas offers users of Austrian ITGS (International Trade in Goods Statistics) a cartographic visualization of imports and exports from Austria and to the individual partner countries worldwide. This enables viewing perspectives that a tabular representation cannot offer.

Atlas of first names

The atlas of first names shows the frequency of first names for newborns since 1984 in the form of a map, diagram and table. For the creation of the ranking list of first names, the respective first names are used in the original spelling without special characters.

Atlas of commuters

Commuters are employees who have to travel a distance between their main residence and their place of work or training institution. The​​ Atlas of commuters gives a picture of the routes that are taken to reach the workplace.

Atlas of internal migration

Migration statistics have been based on administrative registrations and deregistrations of main residencies in the Central Population Register (Zentrales Melderegister, ZMR), if a person is registered in Austria for at least 90 consecutive days. The atlas of internal migration covers all changes of within municipalities within the borders of Austria.

Atlas of building activities

This map shows all buildings that have been approved or completed since 2011. Additional information such as number of dwellings or area information can be shown for each building.

At the moment this map is only available in German.

Farm structure survey 2020

The Farm Structure Survey provides important information about the structure of agricultural and forestry holdings and gives an overview of the development of structural changes in agriculture and forestry. Diagrams, tables and maps visualise the most important results of this survey.

At the moment this map is only available in German.


Deaths in Austria

The charts and maps contain data on deaths in Austria from the year 2000 by calendar week and federal province. Deaths of people living in Austria that occurred abroad are not included.

Last updated on 2022-10-17.