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Environmental Conditions, Environmental Behavior 2023, Results of the Microcensus

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Published: 12/2024
Periodicity: occasionally

Environmental issues are not only of global importance, but also of very personal importance. They affect our everyday lives, our decisions and our quality of life - and they shape the world we leave behind for future generations. The microcensus on environmental conditions and environmental behavior is dedicated to this central topic and offers a comprehensive overview of how the population in Austria perceives their environmental situation, which environmental problems they consider to be particularly urgent and how environmental aspects influence their behavior – whether when making purchases or when choosing the means of transport, financial products or forms of vacation. The findings of this survey show how strongly measures to improve environmental quality are reflected in people's experiences and actions. They make it clear where progress has been made and where there is still a need for action.

This publication is available in German only.


Last updated on 2025-01-03.