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Statistical Yearbook of Austria 2025

Umschlag Jahrbuch 2025_4C.pdf

Published: 12/2024
Periodicity: annually

Especially in times of fake news and populism, the data, figures and facts produced with scientific methods by independent statistical institutions play a decisive role. Figures and data allow fact-focused public debates, empirical research and evidence-based decisions in politics, the economy and even in private life. They are crucial regarding the challenges and decisions to be made in the labor market, in education, in the social sector, economic policy and many other areas. Based on high-quality scientific statistics and analyses, Statistics Austria provides a comprehensive and objective overview of Austria´s society and economy.

The Statistical Yearbook of Austria allows a glimpse on this overview. As a comprehensive reference work of official statistics, it covers all central subjects for which data is available in official statistics. It gives you insights in all demographics, social and economic structures and developments of Austria. Selected international key figures enable European or global comparisons and a classification of Austrian conditions. The tabular presentations are often supplemented by graphics, which allow a quick and descriptive overview.

To be able to present you an even more extensive picture, the Statistical Yearbook of Austrian not only contains the results of Statistics Austria´s own surveys and calculations, but also includes data from other organizations, like administrative departments, interest groups or scientific institutions. We would like to thank all these institutions sincerely.

Primary the results of the Statistical Yearbook refer to the reference year 2023, if possible 2024 data are included.

This publication is available in German only.

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Last updated on 2025-01-21.