People with disabilities in Austria II

Periodicity: occasionally
This publication constitutes the second interim report of the pilot project “Development of a data infrastructure for regular statistics on disability and participation” commissioned by the Federal Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection (BMSGPK).
The analyses presented in this report focus on those parts of Austria’s resident population that appear in federal administrative registers on the following groups of people: recipients of the federal long-term care allowance (“Pflegegeld”), holders of an Austrian disability pass, persons with the status “registered persons with disabilities according to the Disability Employment Act” (Status “begünstigt behindert”) and persons with a degree of disability below 50 %. The entire group of individuals thus covered is referred to as “persons with ‘registered disability’”. For this report, data from administrative registers on the aforementioned groups of people were matched with data from the Central Population Register (“Zentrales Melderegister”) and the Census (“Registerzählung”) by means of a pseudonymised personal identifier. The subsequent analyses included various demographic characteristics, such as sex, age and nationality.
This publication is available in German only.