Job Skills – Module of the 2022 Microcensus Labour Force Survey

Periodicity: one-time-only
This publication presents the main results of the ad-hoc module "Job Skills" carried out in the framework of the Austrian Labour Force Survey in 2022. Focus of this publication is an overview of the relevant job skills of employed persons: working on digital devices, reading work-related manuals and technical documents, doing complex calculations, hard physical work, finger dexterity, interacting with people from the same enterprise as well as with people from outside the enterprise, advising, training or teaching others, autonomy on tasks, performing repetitive tasks and performing tasks precisely described by strict procedures.
By focusing in detail on individual occupational groups, this publication also provides a good overview of the top skills required on the Austrian labour market.
The results of the ad-hoc module 2022 are also available in electronic form on the website of Statistics Austria, and the data for the module can be obtained from AUSSDA (The Austrian Social Science Data Archive).
This publication is available in German only but contains an English summary.