Integrated wage and income tax statistics 2020

Periodicity: annually
Statistics on wage and income tax provide a picture of personal incomes and income distribution in Austria. This gives a comprehensive and – in comparison with other survey methods – reliable picture of this essential area of economic and social policy.
This volume presents the incomes of all employees, self-employed persons and pensioners for 2020, i.e. of 7.4 million income recipients provided that they are assessed for tax. Transfer payments (unemployment benefit, emergency assistance, child care benefit, family allowance and various other benefits) are also documented. This provides a picture of income distribution and tax payments for the year concerned. The data is broken down by age and gender and by assignment to the main income category.
This publication continues the reporting on income status that recommenced for the 1994 reporting year. The various types of income are consolidated under an individual income recipient, thus giving a comprehensive picture of incomes. The most important results are clearly summarised in the text. Explanatory notes on the methodology used for integrating the data and a description of the characteristics depicted ensure transparency of both the procedures used and the results.
This publication is available in German only.