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Agenda 2030 SDG‑Indicators Report 2021

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Published: 04/2023
Periodicity: annually

Since 2017, Statistics Austria produces a comprehensive set of around 200 indicators. This allows a national assessment of the 169 targets of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs). The third SDG Indicators Report provides a detailed overview of the development of these SDG indicators in Austria until 2021.

The report provides main statements, trend assessment and descriptions of the development of the indicators, as well as information on statistical gaps. I.e. targets, where either indicators are completely missing or are only available for a few years are stated. The evaluation of the trends is carried out according to an evaluation mode developed by Eurostat. The report thus enables monitoring of national progress in implementing the 17 development goals for the period 2010 to 2021.

This publication is available in German only.


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Last updated on 2024-09-16.