Transport statistics 2021

Periodicity: annually
Transport statistics represent traffic flows and movements of means of transport, goods and passengers. They form an essential basis for decisions in politics, technology and economy.
In “Verkehrsstatistik 2021”, the freight transport that was carried out in Austria in the modes of road, rail, inland waterways, aviation and pipelines is explained in detail for the year 2021. In addition, the modal split, based on transport volume and transport performance is presented. For road freight transport, alongside the performance provided by Austrian companies, a summary of the performance by companies of the European Union on Austrian territory is given. These results are calibrated with toll data and non-EU-countries are imputed.
The publication contains information on passenger transport in aviation and on rail. The passenger flows in scheduled and non-scheduled air services and their development are discussed in detail. Additionally, information on the most important destinations of flights and final destinations of passengers as well as information on general aviation is provided.
Key data on rail infrastructure, vehicle stocks and accidents for the individual modes of transport is also included. The most important economic indicators of the performance and structural statistics for ÖNACE 2008 Section H “Transportation and Storage” for 2020 are presented as well. In addition to the tables included with the main results, the statistical database STATcube can be used to create a large number of other tables individually and output them in various formats (e.g. xlsx, csv).
This publication is available in German only.