Labour market situation of migrants and their immediate descendants 2021

Periodicity: occasionally
Module of the Austrian microcensus Labour Force Survey 2021
This publication contains the main results of the module on the "Labour market situation of migrants and their immediate descendants", which was conducted following the questions of the basic Austrian microcensus program in 2021. It presents the key findings on the thematic focus points, which are the extent of German language skills, the existence and recognition or assessment of foreign educational qualifications, and the difficulties in finding a qualification-adequate job according to the most important socio-demographic and employment-statistical characteristics. Further education-related analyses, such as the highest level of education completed as a function of the parents' formal qualifications, are also part of this publication. Analyses on the discrimination-experiences of different groups, differentiated by characteristics such as country of birth, provide an insight into the working environment of employed people.
This publication also provides an overview of the Austrian resident population and the employed population as a whole, with regard to the characteristics queried in the module, such as the highest level of education completed, the integration into the labour market of persons with or without a foreign background, or the reasons for immigration of people born abroad. The subjective assessments of employed persons regarding their satisfaction with their current occupation complete the report.
The results of the module 2021 are also available in electronic form on the Statistics Austria website, and the data for the module are available at AUSSDA (The Austrian Social Science Data Archive).
This publication is available in German only.