Day care centre statistics 2021/22
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Periodicity: annually
This publication focuses on the current structure of Austria’s day care centres (crèches, kindergartens, after-school care clubs and mixed-age child care facilities). Trends are revealed using time series of child care facilities for the Länder (federal provinces).
During the last months child care of preschool children became a priority topic of educational and social policy. In this context the availibilty of ressources, child care quotas and costs for child care are examples for topics, which has been discussed with a head attention on regional aspects. This volume serves as an important decision-making tool for institutional family policy. Broken down by province and type of child care, data is provided on the number of day care centres, opening times, days of closure, etc. for the 2021/22 reporting year. The children looked after in day care centres are characterised by age, citizenship and length of attendance at the centre. The survey results are concluded by a staff table showing day care staff by age, employment status and gender.
This publication continues a series from Statistics Austria that has been available since 1972. In line with the 2000 Federal Statistics Act, it is commissioned directly by the Federal Ministry of Families and Youth.
This publication is available in German only.