Labour Market Statistics 2021 Results of the Micro Census and the Job Vacancy Survey

Periodicity: annually
This publication contains the main results on employment and unemployment from the part of the Austrian Microcensus that covers the European Labour Force Survey. The demand for labour force is presented via the results of the Job Vacancy Survey. This survey has been conducted in Austria since 2009 and has been mandatory for all EU member states since 2010. In addition, there are labour statistics data from administrative sources.
Within the framework of the Microcensus Labour Force Survey, the entire population is represented according to demographic, educational and labour statistical criteria in accordance with the ILO concept. Gender, age, marital status, citizenship, immigration, highest educational attainment, current education, economic affiliation, occupation and position in the labour force as well as a number of other characteristics related to employment (e.g. length of service, fixed-term contracts, special forms of working time, second job, atypical employment) are thus documented at both federal and state level. Furthermore, topics such as working hours and volume of work, net income as well as various aspects of unemployment such as duration, underemployment and hidden reserve are covered. These detailed results are available on the Statistics Austria website.
In addition to these detailed tables, a number of time series tables provide an overview of structural changes in Austria since 1974. Furthermore, the present publication includes methodological information.
This publication is available in German only.