Housing 2021

Periodicity: annually
In “Wohnen 2021” (“Housing 2021”) data on housing are published in a topic-oriented manner. It provides an overview of data on housing statistics collected by Statistics Austria. The publication comprises central results on the stock of dwellings, on housing quality as well as on rental and housing costs borne by Austrian households. In addition, the publication addresses housing difficulties like the registered based homelessness. The House Price Index provides information about changes of purchasing prices of residential properties throughout Austria. Statistics of buildings activities include reporting on the characteristics of authorized and completed buildings and dwellings, there are also reports on the disposal of apartments.
Contents are presented in structured tables and figures. Wherever data and method allow it, time series are presented for the long-term development of housing characteristics and indicators. This publication is available in German only but contains an English summary and English headings for tables and graphs.
This publication is available in German only.