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Tourism in Austria 2021

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Published: 05/2022
Periodicity: annually

Based on high-quality scientific statistics and analyses, Statistics Austria draws a comprehensive and objective picture of Austrian society and the economy. With its figures and data, Statistics Austria provides the basis for a fact-oriented public debate, empirical research and evidence-based decisions in society, politics and the economy, for example on the challenges and course to be set in the labour market, in social and economic policy or on sustainable funding of health, care and pensions in view of the demographic change.

In the present publication the guest numbers are presented at municipal level, broken down by countries of origin and seasons. In addition information concerning the number of beds by type of accommodation as well as  occupancy ratios can be found. Furthermore treatments at health resorts, city tourism and the Austrian position in international tourism are laid down. Selected results are shown in time series.

This publication is available in German only.


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Last updated on 2025-02-13.